At Body Works we make it our business to stay on top of all the latest developments in the worlds of health, medicine and fitness, so as to ensure that we’re in the best position to help you.
Sometimes we’re moved to write about it too!
On these blog pages you’ll find articles and information which we hope you’ll find interesting and enlightening.

What is it? These are all names given to describe heel pain or pain under the arch of the foot. It is caused by an inflammation of the plantar fascia or the inability for the plantar fascia to withstand the loading pressures that are being exerted on the foot....
Your opinions matter
In our commitment to ensure that we continue to deliver our high standards of service, we recently invited our patients to fill in a patient feedback questionnaire. We our very proud to say that on the whole the feedback was very positive.Our feedback...
Sticking to Your Rehab Programme is never easy
Sticking to Your Rehab Programme is never easy, here are some handy tips to help keep you on trackSticking to a physiotherapy home exercise programme can be very hard for many people to adhere to. According to research up to 65% of people struggle to do...
New Years Resolutions
It's that time of year again, when you may have made your new years resolution to look after yourself a little more. Whilst this effort may be focused on eating better and exercising more, you may not be thinking about looking after your body post...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
ILIOTIBIAL BAND SYNDROME What Is It & Why Does It Happen? The iliotibial band (ITB) is a non-elastic fibrous band of tissue situated on the outside of the thigh. It runs from the pelvis, past the hip joint and down to the top of the tibia, just below...
Dead Leg
DEAD LEG – What Is It? What Should I Do? A “dead leg” occurs when the muscles at the front and sides of the thigh (the quads) take a hard, direct blow – usually during sporting activity. The result is damage to muscle fibres and small blood vessels in the...
New Test for Concussion
Concussion is big news in the sport of rugby at present – and rightly so. Failure to diagnose or manage it correctly can lead to players having to give up the game, with many sufferers also experiencing ongoing difficulties with mental function, ranging from impaired...