discounsessiomPlease find our prices for our most popular services. If there is anything else you think we could help you with, please contact us directly.

Physiotherapy Prices


Our initial Physiotherapy assessments cost £65 (45-60 minutes) and follow up physiotherapy appointments are £52 (20-30 minutes).


Pilates Studio Class Prices


Duet studio Pilates classes with a maximum of 2 costing £40 per person per session (There is a discounted rate of £37.00 per session,for people on a weekly membership) 


Pilates Studio 1 – 1 Prices


 Individual 1- 2- 1 sessions with Annabelle are £58 for a 60min appointment.


Pilates Mat Classes


Our face to face courses are between £42 & £45 per month.

Our on demand Pilates membership is £30 per month.


Sports Massage Prices


Sports Massages sessions :  £45 for 45 minutes and £50 for 60 minutes.



A one hour initial assessment appointment is £65 and follow up appointments are £52.