It’s that time of year again, when you may have made your new years resolution to look after yourself a little more. Whilst this effort may be focused on eating better and exercising more, you may not be thinking about looking after your body post exercise. Regular massage sessions (even just 30 minutes once a month), help prevent injuries and over training of muscles.
Sports massage can also reduce muscle tension and improve mobility and if you’re spending too much time at your desk, can even improve posture and counter act those negative acts of hunching over all day.

Before you come for a sports massage, we recommend that you.
- Don’t schedule your massage before an important sporting event if you are new to sports massage as you want to know how your body responds. You don’t want to be running that race with soreness!
- Arrive well hydrated! Dehydration can stiffen the muscles which could mean a more painful massage. Ensure that you’ve sipped enough H20 before hopping on the table!
- Save the heavy meal until later! Massage naturally slows down the bodies processes – including digestion! Lying belly down with a full stomach, probably won’t give you the most comfortable experience!

At Body Works we offer a dedicated Sports Massage service, provided by Charlotte Redman, our fully qualified Sports Massage therapist. Sessions can be booked using our online booking service or by calling the clinic on 0116 2885533. Charlotte offers sessions that are 30 minutes (£35), 45 minutes (£40) and 60 minutes (£45) long. If you’re unsure as to which length of session to book, please ask to speak to one of our therapists and they’ll be happy to advise you.

Book your sports massage session now!
We offer 30 minute, 45 minute and 60 minute sports massages