On Demand (Online) Monthly Membership
This On Demand membership, gives you the flexibility to access a wide range of physiotherapy led classes wherever you are and whenever you like. There are classes to suit everyone, with filters to make it easy to search for the class type you’d like. Gain access to this growing library of classes as your stand-a-lone exercise plan or to boost your mat based or studio memberships.
What’s included?
You’ll have access to the whole Pilates library, easily allowing you to :-
1. Select the type of class you’d like to do (eg Beginner’s, improver’s or chair based class). You will find a large selection of these classes, simply click on the class you’d like to do and hey presto!
2. Repeat your favourite classes month in month out
3. Pick from a selection of shorter express (30 min) classes, or longer 1 hour classes.
4. Select classes by equipment type, such as band or ball classes, giving you greater control of the exercises you choose to do.
5. The library will be growing, giving you fresh classes in addition to your old favourites
We give you access to a membership app, so it’s really easy to manage your membership online and view your classes. Alternatively you can click on the membership area on our website to log in and go!
On demand membership – £30 per month
Click on the button below to join the On-Demand membership or contact us on Pilates@thebodyworks.co.uk or call 0116 2885533 if you’d like any more information or help with your registration.
Join On-Demand Membership Here

Mat Class PLUS Membership
This includes the best of both, giving you a mat membership and the whole On Demand library. Allowing you to boost your Pilates practice throughout the week.
There is a 50% discount off the On Demand membership for this combined plan
Combined Wednesday mat membership PLUS On demand plan – £60.00 per month
Combined Monday mat membership and PLUS On demand plan – £57.00 per month
CONTACT US TO REGISTER YOUR INTEREST OR MAKE A BOOKING ON Pilates@thebodyworks.co.uk or call 0116 2885533