Online Floor Based Pilates Course


This course will help you develop improved awareness of posture and alignment through a series of exercises and self-awareness strategies. You will improve the control and strength of the postural muscles of the torso, shoulder and pelvic girdles whilst also gaining flexibility and balance.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

This course differs from the beginner's/healthy back course in both the length and the frequency of class release.

This course gives you two ½ hourly classes per week rather that one 1 hour class. It is purely a matter of preference.

People attending this course will develop improved awareness of posture and alignment through a series of exercises and self-awareness strategies.

You will improve the control and strength of the postural muscles of the torso, shoulder and pelvic girdles whilst also gaining flexibility and balance.

The exercises are designed to support people who are new to Pilates and those who have back or joint pain.

Exercise modifications will be taught to allow you to move at your own pace within the class. Online support is offered to course members, providing extra guidance to the class programme if required.

These classes have helped many people improve their movement confidence and quality of life.

Price £56  (for 14 half hour classes 23rd Oct to 7th Dec 2023)


The half-hour classes are sent by email each Monday and Thursday – classes remain live until the end of the course (so you can use them whenever suits you and as often as you like).

Additional information

Course dates

3rd June to 11th July 2024

Online Floor Based Pilates Course